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Indirect Microwave Holography and Through Wall Imaging
Okan Yurduseven, Michael Elsdon
Published: 6 August 2019

In this paper, a review of indirect microwave holography for through-wall imaging is presented. Indirect microwave holography is an imaging technique, enabling the complex object scattered fields (amplitude and phase) to be mathematically recovered from intensity-only, scalar microwave measurements. By removing the requirement to use vector measurement equipment to directly measure the complex fields, indirect microwave holography significantly reduces the cost of the imaging system and simplifies the hardware implementation. The application of a back-propagation algorithm enables the reconstructed amplitude and phase images to be obtained at the plane of the concealed object. In order to demonstrate the validity of the reviewed approach, experimental work is carried out on a metallic gun concealed under a 5 cm thick plywood wall and it is demonstrated that the indirect microwave holographic TWI can produce good resolution amplitude and phase images when back-propagation is applied. TWI of a concealed dielectric box representing non-metallic ordnance is also performed to demonstrate the ability of the technique to reconstruct through-wall images of concealed dielectric objects. An investigation of the resolution characteristics of the system suggests diffraction limited resolution can be achieved.

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